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377 bytes removidos, 19h30min de 4 de janeiro de 2020
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{{Box-header{{{watch|}}} | title={{{1}}}
|border=#A3B1BF <!-- H210 S15 V75 the color of the borders around Box Sections -->069 |titleforeground=black <!-- This is the color of the Box Section Title Bar text -->#069|titlebackground=#E6F2FF <!-- H210 S10 V100 the color of the Box Section Title Bar -->f2f7ff|background=#F5FAFF <!-- H210 S4 V100 the color of the Box Section background -->white|foreground=black}} <!-- This is the color of the Box Section text --><noinclude>[[Categoria:!Predefinições de configurações de portaisComandos Tucujú]]</noinclude>